Hi all,
Upon receiving an advise from my senior in the braces world, I am now dedicating this blog for updates on my ceramic braces progress. Hopefully it can somehow give you some sort of an inspiration for those who are contemplating on getting a pair of braces.
I got my braces on a week ago, 8 November 2010 to be exact and so far, the pain is gone and now my teeth are feeling a bit loose and i can feel more gaps between the teeth. Well, no significant progress yet as it has only been 10 days since the first time I got it.
Anyways, for now I will just share a few things with you.
The procedures that I took was:
- day 1 (Friday, 5 November 2010) - dentist pulled out my one last baby tooth (that never came off since I was little), leaving an empty space on my very front bottom row teeth and placed 4 rings on the back teeth.
(No turning back now!)
- day 2 (Monday, 8 November 2010) - installing the ceramic braces
- day 3 (Tuesday, 9 November 2010) - back to the dentist because one of the ring was hurting my right tongue)
- day 4 (Wednesday, 10 November 2010) - back to the dentist because 3 of my front right braces's glue came off so the wire went up and down my teeth hahahahahahhahaha *oh dear....*
- day 6 (Friday, 12 November 2010) - back to the dentist, this time 1 of my back left braces's glue came off ... geezz... how many time do I have to visit the dentist in a week!!!
But until today, (it's been 6 days since my last visit), everything seems fine and the pain is gone.
This following picture was taken last Sunday, when the pain gradually disappear and I could grin a smile again.